moz The importance of drinking water in the morning
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The importance of drinking water in the morning



The importance of drinking water in the morning


The importance of drinking water in the morning

v     Drought


     Dehydration occurs when the body loses and does not compensate for fluids, and because the body does not contain enough water and other fluids to perform its normal functions it becomes dehydrated, dehydration is considered more cause for concern and attention if it affects children, severe diarrhea or vomiting is considered one of the most common causes of dehydration in young children, and minor diseases such as infections to the lungs or bladder can lead to dehydration in older adults, and dehydration can also occur in any category Age due to hot weather or not drinking enough water, the article reviews the importance of drinking water in the morning, symptoms associated with drought, its most common causes and other topics.


v     Symptoms of dehydration

     Symptoms of dehydration vary between young and adult, and lack of thirst is not a sign of non-dehydration, so it is recommended to increase water consumption during hot weather or when sick even if you are not thirsty, and the most prominent symptoms of dehydration are:


v     Dehydration in infants or children


    Doctors pay more attention to the group of children and infants with dehydration in order to increase the risk in this age group, and the most prominent symptoms that this group may face are:


  • ·      Dry mouth and tongue.
  • ·      Lack of tears when crying.
  • ·      Do not wet keep for three hours.
  • ·      Signs of dehydration such as eyes and deep cheeks.
  • ·      The appearance of a soft-touch gummy spot on top of the skull.
  • ·      Inactivity.


v     Symptoms of dehydration in adults


    Symptoms of dehydration in adults usually appear as a result of illness or not drinking enough water during exercise or hot weather, including:


  • Feeling very thirsty.
  • Lack of quantity and number of urination times.
  • The appearance of dark urine.
  •  Fatigue.
  • Feeling dizzy.  Lack of focus.

v     Causes of dehydration

     Dehydration sometimes occurs for simple reasons such as not drinking enough water as a result of illness or preoccupation, or for not being able to access safe and clean drinking water while traveling, hiking or camping, and other causes of drought include:

  • Diarrhea and vomiting:

      Severe diarrhea or vomiting can result in significant loss of water from the body in a short period of time.


  • Fever:

   High body temperature increases the likelihood of dehydration, and the problem may worsen if a person develops fever, diarrhea and vomiting at the same time.


  •  Excessive sweating:

   Vigorous physical activity is one of the reasons for water loss through sweating.

  •  Increased urination:

  Undiagnosed or uncontrolled diabetes and certain medications such as diuretics and some blood pressure medications increase urination and body water loss, which can also lead to dehydration.

v     The importance of drinking water in the morning


     Many seek to maintain the health of their bodies and here lies the importance of drinking water in the morning on an empty stomach, not only cleanse the stomach but help to go a long way in reducing the risk of a number of diseases, and the importance of drinking water in the morning lies in its ability to purify the colon and improve the chances of the stomach absorbing nutrients properly, and this method is considered one of the secrets behind healthy and glowing skin, because water removes toxins From the blood, drinking water also helps improve the production of new blood cells and muscle cells and helps lose weight, so be sure not to eat anything for a while after drinking water in the morning to get the greatest benefit and to further boost metabolism.

v     The importance of water to the body

      In adults, the human body consists of sixty percent of water, accounting for 90 percent of the blood, and water is essential for kidneys and other body functions, and as the article noted the importance of drinking water in the morning, drinking water has multiple benefits for the body, the most prominent of which are:


Acts as a joint moisturizer: Cartilage in the joints and spine contains about eighty percent of the water.

Works to form saliva and mucus: Saliva helps digest food and maintain moisture in the mouth, nose and eyes, so water, the main ingredient of saliva and mucus, is of great importance.

Helps transport oxygen throughout the body: Blood consists of ninety percent water and carries oxygen to different parts of the body.

Promoting skin health and freshness: Drinking water prevents dehydration which can make the skin more susceptible to wrinkles.

Maintaining brain and spinal cord health: Dehydration can affect brain structure and function, so drinking water is one of the most prominent ways to prevent dehydration.

Regulating body temperature: Water stored in the middle layers of the skin turns into veins when the body heats up, cooling the body.

To maintain digestive health: The importance of drinking water in the morning lies in cleaning the stomach and digestive tract from toxins, and water positively affects bowel movement, where dehydration leads to digestive problems such as constipation.

Removal of body waste: The body needs water to complete sweating and removal of urine and feces.

Maintaining blood pressure: Lack of water causes increased blood density, increasing blood pressure.

Maintaining the airways: In the event of dehydration, the airways are restricted by the body in an attempt to reduce water loss which may affect asthma and allergy patients.

Helps transport minerals and nutrients: These substances dissolve in the water allowing them to reach different parts of the body.

Maintaining kidney health: Lack of water in the body leads to kidney stones and other problems that lead to kidney damage.

Enhanced performance during exercise: Dehydration during exercise can hinder athletic performance, so it is recommended to increase your drinking rate during exercise.

Weight loss: Water also helps you lose weight if consumed instead of sweetened juices and soft drinks.

Reducing the severity of headaches associated with alcohol: Eating unsweetened soda water with ice and lemon alternately with alcoholic beverages can help prevent headaches associated with drinking alcohol.




