How do you know that the dog is sick?
Signs of canine disease
How do you know that the dog is
Veterinarians get this question
frequently from people wanting to know the signs of their dog's illness, and
unfortunately, dogs cannot tell us if they are sick or in pain. So we invite
you to discover the symptoms or signs of canine disease and how to behave in
this case.
How do I know that my dog is sick?
Nobody knows your dog better than you
and only you can tell if something fishy is going on in their body.
The animal cannot express itself in
words but, on the other hand, knows how to signal to you that it is ill through
abnormal behaviors or obvious symptoms.
Try not to take too long to find out
what your dog is sick, and in his best interest, act as quickly as possible if
you find out that he has something.
Look for the symptoms that can appear
on the sick dog, and the signs of the most common diseases that can affect dogs
according to each organ of the body, in addition to the so-called “non-specific
symptoms”, that is, those common in many diseases, hence the importance of
going to the vet for a diagnosis.
Detecting these symptoms includes
observing your dog's behavior in order to see any changes in him. You should
note if he is eating and drinking normally, if his stools are more or less
abundant, or if he is playing or has visible damage or change in the color of
the mucous membranes.
Signs of dog disease in the abdomen
Symptoms experienced by a dog with an
upset stomach are very common as these animals can easily suffer from digestive
issues such as ingestion of droppings, certain medications, infections, food
allergies, a small change in diet, intestinal parasites, or simply being afraid
of something.
Here are some of the
more common symptoms:
· Vomiting.
· nausea.
· diarrhea.
· Frequent
· bloody stools.
· Anorexia.
· fever.
· Idle.
· Abdominal
· Abdominal pain.
· Dehydration.
· Gases.
Finally, note that symptoms of nausea
in dogs are not always easy to spot, because they can be confused with cough symptoms.
For the
hard-to-observe symptom as well, vomiting, it is also essential to be able to
notice if the dog is vomiting, by a series of abdominal movements, or if the
vomit is coming out without any abdominal movements.
Signs of canine kidney disease
Another relatively common condition that
mostly affects older dogs is one that damages the renal system. Here are some
symptoms that indicate a dog has kidney disease:
· Lose weight.
· Vomiting.
· diarrhea.
· Polydipsia.
· frequent
· deterioration of
the condition of the hair.
· dehydration.
· Oral lesions.
· Bad breath smell
of ammonia.
· Fever.
· Pain.
· Edema of the
· Edema of the
abdomen or chest.
· Anorexia.
Kidney failure in dogs can be caused
by many things and can be very painful for the animal. Signs of dog disease may
vary from sudden (acute kidney failure), chronic, or mild signs that get worse
over time. If symptoms appear suddenly, the matter should be considered an
emergency and the animal should be taken to the vet.
Acute kidney failure can be caused
by a particular disease of the kidneys or by serious urinary tract problems
that affect the kidneys, such as untreated cystitis or stones that block the
urinary tract and eventually damage the kidneys.
Some cases of acute kidney failure
are very painful and it is noted that the dog cannot lie down or move normally
and walks with stiff claws. But movement difficulties are a sign of pain that
can also be seen in joint or bone problems, along with seeing the dog limp,
stiff, etc.
Signs of canine heart disease
The heart is one of the organs most
affected by age. The main problem is that a sick heart does not produce
symptoms for a very long period of time, so a dog with a heart problem will not
notice symptoms until after the heart condition has significantly deteriorated.
Signs of heart disease in dogs include:
· behavioral
· fluid retention;
· Lose weight.
· lethargy;
· rapid breathing;
· weakness.
· Unconsciousness.
A dog with a heart condition can also
show symptoms of coughing, especially after exercise, at night or when lying
How do you know that a dog has a liver disease?
The symptoms or signs of canine liver
disease are very non-specific, especially during the early stages of liver
failure, which means that they cannot be differentiated from symptoms of other
organ diseases. These symptoms can help you recognize your dog's liver disease:
· Vomiting.
· Anorexia.
· diarrhea.
· Polydipsia.
· frequent
However, when the disease progresses
and reaches serious stages, the owner of the animal may notice
following symptoms:
· Ascites, i.e.
accumulation of fluid in the abdomen.
· Encephalopathy.
· bleeding;
· Jaundice, which
is a yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes.
How do you know if a dog is sick with parasites?
Both external and internal parasites can
cause symptoms that vary depending on the parasite responsible for the disease.
There are also other symptoms that appear
in a dog infected with a parasitic disease that occur as a result of diseases
transmitted by some parasites, such as the tick that transmits Lyme disease,
some of which may be fatal.
Symptoms of
canine parasites include:
· Fever.
· lethargy;
· Anorexia.
· Pale mucous
· Anemia.
As for fleas, they can also transmit
diseases and parasites such as tapeworms or even cause anemia, but the most
common symptoms caused by fleas are allergic reactions to flea bite dermatitis (PADD),
and animals sensitive to the saliva of this parasite show a skin reaction
characterized by alopecia. And lesions, especially in the lumbar and sacral
Signs of cognitive dysfunction syndrome in dogs
Finally, older dogs can suffer from a
syndrome similar to Alzheimer's disease in humans, and the symptoms of this
condition may go unnoticed especially if the animal owner thinks it is simply
caused by age. We can notice that the dog's movement has become slow, and that
he sleeps a lot, especially during the day, while at night, he feels anxious
and nervous.
Signs of canine cognitive
dysfunction include:
· Defecation and
urination at home.
· Stop interacting
with the family.
· Failure to
respond to stimuli.
· Repetition of
certain behaviors such as spinning in circles.
To diagnose this syndrome, a vet must
rule out physical causes. As mentioned earlier, kidney problems often lead to
increased urination, so urination in the house can have several causes and it
does not always mean that your dog has a cognitive impairment, which is why we
stress the importance of taking your dog to the vet if you notice any symptoms
of canine disease.
Signs of skin disease
in dogs
Signs of rabies with skin disease include:
· Itching.
· severe hair loss.
· Warts.
· skin irritation.
· skin redness.
It is recommended that you see a vet to
examine your dog. Additional examinations may be necessary to determine the
origin of the symptoms (skin scraping, biopsies, etc.).
How do you act if you think that the dog is sick?
Some of the above symptoms require an
emergency vet consultation. But in all cases, the owner of the animal should
contact the veterinarian and give him as much information as possible. To do
this, it is necessary:
· Taking the dog's
temperature: It is normal for the temperature to be between 38 and 39 degrees
· Check his mucous
membranes: his eyes turn yellow, for
· example, a sign
of a liver problem.
· Examine your
dog's skin for parasites (flea, louse, tick) or ulcers.
· Weigh the animal
to see if it is experiencing weight loss.
· Abdominal
palpation. If your dog has abdominal stiffness or pain, this could be a sign of
an intestinal transit disorder.
· Tell your vet if
there is blood in your dog's stool or urine, and any symptoms that persist for
more than 24 or 36 hours.
While you are performing these
procedures, you must keep your animal calm, so as not to cause harm to it. You
should also be careful because a dog in pain can have unexpected reactions,
such as biting, even if you are the owner he loves very much.
How to protect your dog from
To protect your dog from disease, be sure
to do the following:
· Make sure he
gets all his vaccinations.
· Getting rid of
· Treat it against
fleas and ticks.
· Feed him high
quality food.
· Consult your vet
regularly for health checks.
A 'routine' blood test is recommended
before surgery and for elderly animals.
Finally, if you notice signs of canine
disease, we recommend that you consult your veterinarian, he is likely to
perform additional tests (blood test, x-rays, etc.) to determine the diagnosis
and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Early treatment will provide relief
for a dog and limit disease progression.