moz Information about Pharaonic cats
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Information about Pharaonic cats


 Information about Pharaonic cats


Information about Pharaonic cats

Ø      Cats


    Cats are meat-eating mammals, of which there are 60 different breeds, which are divided by their living places into pet cats such as cats living in homes and wild cats such as those living outside houses on the roads, and for The physical characteristics of cats have a flexible body, a strong sense of smell, sharp teeth and retractable claws that enable them to easily hunt their small prey, and have the ability to see at night, and it can be said that cats communicate with each other by Sounds, in addition to communicating through body language as animals with quick reactions.

     In this article will talk about the types of cats and the allocation of one of their species, pharaonic cats, about their characteristics and history.


Ø      Cat types

  • Thousands of different types of cats exist, each with a different personality and a way to interact with specific situations, yet different types can be similar in some of their lifestyles, for example, cats sleep sixteen to eighteen hours a day, because their bodies release a hormone that enables them to grow during sleep, and some cat species will be mentioned as follows:
  • Persian cats: Persian cats are a breed of cats with a round face and long fur, known in Iran as Shirazi cats, and in 2015 the Shirazi cats were ranked second among the most popular breeds in the United States of America, according to the Association of Animal Breeders.
  • Siamese cats: Siamese cats have blue eyes, and in ancient times this type of cat was presented as vip gifts, and it happened for the first time in the United States in 1878 when a Siamese cat was given as a gift to President Rutherford and his wife by the American Consul.
  • British cats are short-haired: This type of cat has an attractive appearance due to the thickness and density of fur on his body and its loving and simple nature.
  • Japanese cats: Japanese cats have a short tail similar to that of rabbits, caused by a genetic mutation that reduced the number of tail vertebrae from their natural shape.


        Pharaonic cats


     Later, another species is called pharaonic cats, as pharaonic cats are a breed of domestic cats characterized by the lack of fur on their bodies, caused by a genetic mutation, which first occurred in 1975, and then another cat was born in the same condition the following year in 1978, and as a result, this type of cat must be specially cared for by regular bathing; Oils absorbed by the bodies of these cats, and their ears, which are characterized by their large size regularly, should be cleaned to rid them of dust and dust and prevent the accumulation of wax matter in them and be careful not to be exposed to direct sunlight, to prevent burns to their skin.



      These burns can cause damage to the skin in case these cats are infected, on the other hand, pharaonic cats can have soft hair, and since they do not have fur, they lose the temperature faster than other cats, and they also have soft hair. She doesn't have the ability to maintain her body temperature, which makes her constant search for heat sources, and in winter the breeders of these cats provide warm coats and clothes to help her keep her body warm.

      Properties of Pharaonic cats

    DNA analysis in 2010 confirmed that the origin of lint on the bodies of pharaonic cats came from an allele from the same allele that produces short curly hair shot Devon Rex, named after the allele of baldness, in addition to that the curly body of the cats Selers Rex came from the same allele as well, and the gene creatine is the gene responsible for the decrease in hair follicles, which led to a mutation of these cats by losing all their functions where they destroyed the structure of the hair follicle Hair, but if hair appears on the bodies of these cats can not be easily removed or removed, as for its other characteristics, criteria for the physical characteristics of the breed of these cats have been established by the International Cat Association, which will be mentioned as follows:

  • Her heads are stake-shaped with prominent bones from the cheek.
  • These cats have large lemon-like eyes.
  • It has very large ears with hair loss inside it, and its billions are characterized from the bottom of the outer base.
  • The neck of these cats is long and strong muscles.
  • The trunk of this type of cats is medium in length, and its abdomen is round.
  • The claws of this type of cat are thicker than those of other cats.
  • It has fur-covered tails;

        History of Pharaonic Cats


       Pharaonic cats were discovered in the 1970s in North America, and their Canadian breed began in 1966 when a kitten without fur called the Brown was born, and then married and resulted in the birth of cats in the same case as well. She then developed a successful breeding program for this species of cat, which eventually made her capable of breeding, and this happened over the years when three kittens were found in Canada's neighborhoods in 1983.




