moz Wisdom Teeth Pain: How to Ease the Discomfort at Home
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Wisdom Teeth Pain: How to Ease the Discomfort at Home


Wisdom Teeth Pain: How to Ease the Discomfort at Home


Wisdom Teeth Pain: How to Ease the Discomfort at Home


What are wisdom teeth?

 Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last teeth to grow in the mouth and can be found on both sides of the jaw. They usually erupt into the mouth during late adolescence or early adulthood, although some people may not develop all four wisdom teeth (unilateral agenesis). While there are several other names for wisdom teeth, such as Tertiary Teeth, Third Molars, or Molars of Wisdom, they have the same functions in everyone, which are chewing food and grinding the food down to make it easier to swallow.


What age does wisdom teeth come in?

  At what age, wisdom teeth come in varies. Typically, they come in between the ages of 17 and 25. Some people get their wisdom teeth removed as teens, while others wait until they're 30 or even 40. Most people don't have any problems with their wisdom teeth, but sometimes they can become impacted or trapped due to overcrowding and cause symptoms of pain or infection (toothache). This can happen when there isn't enough room for your adult teeth and your wisdom teeth to both fits together in your mouth. If you've experienced any kind of pain around your wisdom tooth it's a good idea to schedule an appointment with your dentist or primary care provider.


Why are wisdom teeth so painful?

  Wisdom teeth (or third molars) are known for being a major pain. In fact, it’s not uncommon for them to cause toothaches and infections, which require treatment with antibiotics. Fortunately, there are some things you can do in your home to ease some of your discomforts until you get your wisdom teeth pulled or removed by a dentist.


How do I know if I have wisdom tooth pain?

Most people with wisdom teeth are unaware that they even have these molars until their late teens or early twenties when they begin to experience unusual amounts of pain or sensitivity. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s time to contact your dentist and schedule an examination. Your dentist will examine your wisdom teeth and advise you on what action should be taken next. In some cases, a simple cleaning will be in order—in others, a dentist may decide that removal is necessary.


Can wisdom teeth make you sick?

  Many people are concerned about whether their wisdom teeth can make them sick. The truth is that if your wisdom teeth grow in properly, then there is little chance that they will cause you any problems. There are cases, however, where they do not come in completely or they become impacted and you may be at risk for infection or even cysts. In these cases, you should visit your dentist right away to ensure that everything is healthy and to start on a treatment plan immediately. Call us today if you would like more information on how we can help with your wisdom teeth pain or discomfort.


Why does my wisdom tooth hurt more at night?

It’s not uncommon for wisdom teeth pain to worsen while you sleep. As you relax, your muscles let go of the tension that builds up during the day, causing pain in your gums, jaw, and even ear. If you experience a severe nighttime toothache, don’t hesitate to call a dentist.


ways you may need to protect your teeth



Examine your wisdom teeth

  When wisdom teeth become impacted, they can cause pain and swelling. If you suspect your wisdom teeth are trying to come in, but are having a difficult time doing so, schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. Your dentist will examine your mouth thoroughly and determine whether it's safe for you to wait or if they need to be removed right away. Typically, if there is some space between your wisdom teeth and other healthy teeth, it's safe for you to wait. The only exception is when there isn't enough room in which case an extraction could prevent damage from occurring—it's better for one tooth than all four! Your doctor will let you know what course of action is best for you based on their examination.


Know what’s causing your pain

It’s possible that you’re experiencing pain due to a combination of factors, including bacterial infection and/or swelling. If your bite is out of alignment and you have jaw pain, it might be caused by clenching or grinding your teeth (bruxism). Wisdom tooth discomfort can cause headaches and muscle soreness in your upper jaw, so keep an eye on these symptoms as well.


Use some simple home remedies

While pain relievers can be effective, they often don’t offer long-term relief or provide protection from future damage. Fortunately, there are a few natural remedies that can help ease your discomfort and protect your teeth in between visits with a dentist. Here are a few home remedies for wisdom teeth pain you can try today


See a Dentist

If you’re experiencing a high level of pain from your wisdom teeth, it may be a good idea to see a dentist. They can determine whether or not your wisdom teeth need removal, and how quickly that should happen. A dentist can also help you learn how to better protect your teeth during these days of discomfort so that no further damage is done.


Brush with care!

Brushing twice a day is standard for most people—and for those with loose teeth, or who have had their wisdom teeth pulled, it’s especially important. These missing molars leave behind an open spot that makes it easy for food and bacteria to get stuck in between your teeth. To protect your teeth from these dental nuisances, invest in a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush every surface of your mouth thoroughly every morning and night. Don’t forget to floss as well!


Look for a Dentist in your area

If you’re experiencing severe pain, especially if it’s not just limited to your wisdom teeth but also in other areas of your mouth, don’t hesitate. Consult with a dentist immediately and find out if you need further treatment. If you can, find an expert who will treat and protect your teeth in lieu of removing your wisdom teeth.


When to remove wisdom teeth?

Usually, wisdom teeth are removed because they have no room in your mouth and cause pain, infection, or damage to other teeth. Some dentists suggest that you leave them alone if they're not causing problems for now. But don't forget about them—see your dentist regularly for a checkup and cleaning. If your wisdom teeth become damaged as you get older, it's best to remove them before problems arise. If one or more of your wisdom teeth is infected or inflamed, your dentist may recommend extraction right away.




