moz Two reasons for performing a caesarean section
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Two reasons for performing a caesarean section


Two reasons for performing a caesarean section

Two reasons for performing a caesarean section


 Causes of Caesarean section

caesarean section is divided between a planned procedure for which a woman can be subjected from the 39th week of pregnancy or a compulsory emergency procedure in which normal vaginal delivery is believed to pose a health risk


Causes of planned Caesarean section


 The reasons for planning a Caesarean section, whether before or when labour begins, are numerous, although they are different, they are similar to the ultimate goal of maintaining the safety of women, the child, or both, and the most prominent causes of the planned Caesarean section are:


Baby position: Taking the fetus to the position of the seat  (Breech Position)  is so that his feet or ass are down, or in transverse Position in the uterus prompts doctors to resort to a planned caesarean section, although it is possible to reverse the position of some embryos before the onset of labour or to undergo vaginal delivery using special techniques, so it can be said that the presence of the child in one of the previous two conditions does not mean birth  Caesarean section for sure.


Problems with placenta: Cases of placenta problems can be classified into two cases as follows:


 Placenta Previameans the placenta near the cervix, covering it completely or partially, preventing vaginal delivery from being completed, or may cause an increased risk of bleeding during labour.


Placental Abruption, we mean the separation of the placenta from the uterine wall, which makes caesarean section safer for the mother and her child.


Women's specific diseases: Women's specific diseases make normal vaginal delivery difficult and lead to their exclusion because they may cause harm to women and the fetus, most notably heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney disease.


Infection: If a woman develops an active and infectious lesion in the genital area, such as herpes virus, or HIV, it plays a role in increasing the likelihood of caesarean section, your doctor may prefer to perform a caesarean section to avoid transmitting the virus to the child in the event of vaginal delivery.


 Women's weight: Women's significantly overweight has a role in increasing the likelihood of caesarean section, in fact because obese women need longer to complete normal vaginal delivery and may end up undergoing caesarean section, and on the other hand, risk factors that often accompany obesity, such as gestational diabetes, increase the likelihood of caesarean section.


Women may experience certain pregnancy-related problems: Women may experience pre-eclampsia, which may affect the central nervous system if they occur, or eclampsia, a rare complication during pregnancy that may affect the central nervous system if it occurs, and can cause spastic episodes and if treatments fail to control this condition, the doctor may resort to caesarean section. To preserve the safety of the woman and her fetus.


Large size of the child: The  large size of the child causes the so-called pelvic vertical disproportionality, which means that the head of the child or its size is large, which makes it difficult to get out through the woman's pelvis, in another case the size of the woman's pelvis may be small, making it difficult for the natural birth of a child of normal size, and in some cases the fetal injury may contribute to some birth defects in raising the likelihood of resorting to caesarean section; The baby's head, which increases the size of these cavities and puts pressure on the brain, it is worth mentioning that the use of cesarean in these cases is not inevitable, as the doctor determines the method of birth depending on the size of the child's head, safety at birth and during labor, and generally not ascites the head is a driving cause of caesarean section, so other factors should be studied at the time of birth.


Previous Caesarean section: Having a caesarean section or any previous uterine surgery may be a motivation for caesarean section, and although many women may give birth naturally through the vagina after a previous Caesarean section within what is scientifically known as natural delivery after caesarean section, there are factors that can determine the need for caesarean section; including:  The type of previous uterine incision, and the risk of rupture of the uterus during normal labor.


Pregnancy with more than one embryo: The likelihood of caesarean section increases as the number of embryos in a woman's uterus increases during a single pregnancy, and although some twins may be born naturally through the vagina, the birth of two or more children may need a Caesarean section in many cases.


Women's age: According to a 2019  PLOS One  study, a 35-39-year-old woman was found to be twice as likely to undergo a Caesarean section, while those aged 40 and over were more than three times more likely to undergo caesarean section.


Child health: Developing certain diseases or birth defects can make normal delivery more difficult and more dangerous.


Causes of unplanned Caesarean section


Unplanned Caesarean sections include emergency caesarean sections performed when complications occur with the mother, child, or both during pregnancy or labour, and the main causes of the unplanned caesarean section include:


  • Non-progress of labour, such as the cervix stopping expansion and stretching before reaching the required stretch for delivery, or the baby stopping moving down the birth canal.
  • Cord Compression, where the umbilical cord wraps around the child's body or neck, or hangs the umbilical cord between the child's head and a sink
  • The woman.
  • Prolapsed Cord and his exit from the cervix before the birth of the child.
  • Placenta is separated from the uterine wall before birth.
  • Fetal Distress, where this term expresses the state of disorder that occurs to the fetus during labour, such as the development of fetal arrhythmia, which means that the fetus is unable to withstand labour, and therefore the need for a caesarean section.
  • Uterine Rupture, requiring a caesarean section.


Request for caesarean section

Some women tend to express their desire to undergo caesarean section for non-medical reasons, and here the doctor or midwife explains the overall benefits and risks of caesarean section, which may be inflicted on a woman and her child compared to vaginal natural birth, and if fear or anxiety about natural birth is the reason behind the preference for caesarean section, there is no harm in discussing this with the doctor or midwife for the support required during pregnancy and labour, and if the pregnant woman is not convinced of natural birth, she can A planned Caesarean section is then performed, but often if a natural woman requests a caesarean section without a medical basis, health-care providers do their best to prevent unnecessary harm to women and children as a result.


Tips to reduce the need for caesarean section


 In some cases, caesarean section is necessary to save a woman's life, her child, or both, but in most cases the need for caesarean section can be reduced and the benefits of natural vaginal delivery of the child and woman are available, and in general, there are many tips that reduce the likelihood of needing a Caesarean section, the most important of which are:


  • Choosing a doctor and health care provider who will help women during childbirth wisely is one of the main ways to avoid an unnecessary caesarean section.
  • Knowledge of the nature of childbirth and labour, and understanding the most important aspects of this, which contributes to giving women a sense of comfort with the ocean and a sense of satisfaction with childbirth.
  • Avoid inciting labor as much as possible, as incitement increases the likelihood of needing a Caesarean section.
  • Use medications and use multiple medical choices wisely, for example when choosing epidural anesthesia or what is known to the general public with a needle, you must commit to the right time to take them so that they are not far from birth, as this increases the risk of cesarean section.



