moz 5 strategies to get rid of hesitation permanently
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5 strategies to get rid of hesitation permanently


5 strategies to get rid of hesitation permanently

5 strategies to get rid of hesitation permanently

 Reluctance to make a decision

   Hesitation is a behavior characterized by fluctuating decisions and inability to make a decision, which means the process of evaluating and choosing from alternatives, and is a problem-solving activity that ends with a satisfactory solution, and the closest to realism, and therefore it is a rational process when it occurs on the right track and irrational when it is taken in an ill-considered and unregulated manner, and there are many skills that can be developed for a logical and closest decision-making process such as analysis and discussion, and stages and how to get rid of hesitation will be explained in taking decision during this article.


Decision stages

      To learn how to get rid of the reluctance to make a decision, the decision is made in stages so that the individual reaches satisfactory results and the best results that can solve the problem or satisfy the individual and help achieve mental health, these are the stages of decision-making:


  • Awareness of the existence of the problem: At this stage, a sense of the existence of the problem must be available and touched. Setting goals: setting goals that can be achieved by reaching a solution to the problem. Ranking the goals in order of importance:
  • Setting goals: setting goals that can be achieved by reaching a solution to the problem.
  • Rank the goals from most important to least important.
  • Develop alternatives and solutions: Develop feasible solutions on the ground.
  • Evaluating alternatives and solutions: Establishing the pros and cons of existing alternatives.
  • Inventory of viable alternatives: Choosing the best of the best among the existing solutions.
  • Choosing the most appropriate alternative: Choosing the only logical alternative that achieves a realistic solution to the problem.


How to get rid of the reluctance to decide


    There are many people who are looking for how to get rid of the reluctance to make a decision, because of the spread of this problem among individuals and communities and the difficulty of making appropriate decisions, these steps are effective ways to get rid of hesitation:


  1. Getting rid of fear: It is possible to get rid of fear by thinking in a logical way and getting rid of the delusional thoughts that go through a person in his life stages.
  2. Setting goals: setting goals helps the individual to think about what he wants, and this helps and encourages one to think about the future without hesitation to achieve the goal.
  3. Remembering achievements: Achieving a victory helps to achieve victories after it and the ability to continue working on self-development, skills, and repeat victories.
  4. Taking responsibility for decisions: A person must be aware of his decisions and aware of the negatives and positives that can result in a sound decision.
  5. Building self-confidence: by identifying strengths and weaknesses, trying to reconcile with oneself, achieving psychological health and strengthening personality.



  Likewise, the negative aspects of hesitation in decision-making must be known, as hesitation wastes opportunities on the part of the individual and makes him unable to achieve himself in front of himself first and others secondly. Likewise, the person feels helpless and lack of self-confidence and frustrates the existing energies in the person and prevents them from achieving them. All human goals cannot be achieved with The presence of frequency in humans.





