moz The best age for orthodontics
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The best age for orthodontics


The best age for orthodontics

The best age for orthodontics


Dental problems

     Teeth are the most solid and hardest part of the body, and besides having a key role in chewing, they also play a role in speaking. The tooth is divided into five main parts: enamel, dentin, pulp, cementum - or spur - and supportive ligament. The number of teeth in an adult is 32, All of them - except for 4 wisdom molars - have grown by the age of about 13 years, and dental problems vary a lot, including cavities, caries, periodontitis, gingivitis, plaque, calculus, overbite - or overbite - of the upper or lower teeth, stritus and extra sensitivity of the teeth, and in this The article will talk about the appropriate age for orthodontics.




     When there is a defect in the growth of the teeth and the bite of the teeth is abnormal - either by superimposing the bite on the upper or lower teeth - it is indicated to treat these problems and return the teeth to their natural position and position. There are many treatments that help restore the teeth to their nature, including bridges and fixing devices, and The treatment goes to an orthodontist to perform the optimal procedure for each case. He usually asks the patient several questions about his health, performs a general clinical examination, takes impressions and pictures of the patient’s teeth and face, requests radiographs of the mouth and head, and chooses the most appropriate treatment based on all of the above. Depending on the appropriate age of orthodontics and restoration, and in some cases, a removable fixation device is sufficient to solve the problem, but in severe cases, surgery may be required by specialists in this field.



Age for orthodontics


  The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that children visit an orthodontist at the age of 7, even when there is no problem, because the jaw is still growing and developing and it is best to detect problems as early as possible. Orthodontists are 9 to 14 years old, and girls may go a little earlier, and for those who are older, the patient’s age at the visit is usually between 26 and 44 years, but this does not negate that some patients in the seventh or eighth decade do orthodontics, and it varies The time required to complete the orthodontic process is certainly between one patient and another, and according to the appropriate age for orthodontics and determined by the specialist, but it is assumed that the orthodontic is complete, usually within a period of one to three years.


Types of orthodontic bridges


    There are many types of orthodontic devices used today, but bridges used in orthodontics are considered the first choice in most cases to straighten teeth and return them to their natural place, and correct the incorrect bite in children, as the bridges apply a certain pressure on the teeth and jaw and displace them to their proper place. The option of fixed bridges is also available in adults. Adults often need to apply orthodontics for cosmetic reasons in addition to improving the quality of life. The types of bridges that can be applied to orthodontics - regardless of the appropriate age for orthodontics, whether for adults or children - include the following:


Regular bridges

    Several decades ago, traditional bridges included metal bands surrounding each tooth individually, but today these bridges can hold the wires that pass in front of the teeth using a single fulcrum in the center of the tooth from the front, and some tapes in the back to hold the wires steadily, usually The period of continuation of the calendar is the shortest using this type of bridge, but these devices are the most visible and visible.


Transparent orthodontics

  It is a fixed orthodontic device that is replaced approximately every two weeks to suit the changes that occurred in the teeth, and it is placed about 20 to 22 hours every day, and it is removed only at meal times and brushing teeth. It is complete, and one of its advantages is that it does not affect the way of brushing and cleaning the teeth like other devices, but these devices require full commitment to placing them for the longest possible period, and changing them according to the required schedule, and taking this into account, this method of calendar requires longer periods of time than others.



Self-connecting bridges

   In this method, wires pass through small metal forceps on the place of attachment on the tooth, and this eliminates the need for rubber bands that help move the teeth.

Linguistic inner bridges

   These bridges are similar in the mechanism of their work with ordinary bridges, except that the places of fixation are located here on the back of the teeth, and these bridges are completely hidden to the eye and work as quickly as traditional bridges, but they require a special design for each patient and cost a higher price than others, regardless of the method and device. The user, the orthodontist may need to place another fixed device after removing the orthodontic device to maintain the stability of the teeth and the continuity of their position, and this device may be placed for certain periods during the day or throughout the day according to the doctor’s recommendations and may vary according to the nature of the patient and his health and the appropriate age of orthodontics.


Prevention of orthodontic harms

     Orthodontic devices are often safe and do not cause any disease problems for the person, but in some cases they can contribute to short and long-term risks, as bridges and other orthodontic devices can leave spaces between them and the teeth that help food get stuck in them, allowing bacteria to grow And reproduction, and this leads to short-term harms such as the loss of the natural color of the teeth, tooth decay and cavities, and long-term harms may occur such as an imbalance in the stability of the tooth as a result of the shortness and weakness of the root of the tooth, or a defective correction of the teeth occurs by excessive or lack of orthodontic application, and among the preventive measures followed in Reducing the harms of orthodontics as follows:


  • Reduce sugars and starches, as they have a clear effect on the increased incidence of necrosis.
  • Brush the teeth gently and cautiously after each meal, using a soft brush, and if there is no ability to brush the teeth you should do the dressing after at least every meal.
  • Well-spent to remove all remaining parts of food outside the mouth.
  • Use fluorinated oral lotion if advised by your doctor
  • Cleaning teeth and bridges with the thread assigned to it.
  • Avoid foods that stick to the teeth such as gum, candy and caramel, as they may cause wires to be removed from their place or removed.
  • Visit your doctor periodically to clean the mouth and examine the teeth and to keep the gums as healthy as possible.
  • Always follow the instructions, ignoring the instructions of your doctor or orthodontist may cost you longer treatment or increase the incidence of mixing.



