moz Information about Rambutan fruit
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Information about Rambutan fruit


Information  about Rambutan fruit 

Information  about Rambutan fruit


The rambutan

The rambutan fruit belongs to the Soapaceae family, and is native to Indonesia and Malaysia, and is characterized by its size similar to the size of a golf ball, and its shape that begins with a strange crust covered with hair-like spines of an orange-red color, indicating its maturity after its color was green before that, As for the color of the fruit from the inside, it is white with a solid black seed in the middle. It is known that it can be cooked and used for medicinal purposes, in addition to the possibility of eating it raw, as it brings to the body a range of benefits such as improving skin health and enhancing energy metabolism. In this article, the benefits and nutritional value of the rambutan fruit will be discussed.



The nutritional value of the rambutan fruit

 The rambutan fruit contains many nutrients, such as B vitamins and vitamin C as well as cinnamic acid and vanillin, and a small amount of protein, dietary fiber, and carbohydrates, and with regard to calories, its content is low, and its canned varieties are rich in manganese in addition to trace amounts of magnesium Zinc, calcium, sodium, phosphorous, potassium and iron


Benefits of rambutan fruit

 Eating rambutan peel and seeds on the body brings a range of health benefits, according to studies conducted on animals and cells, both contain compounds that reduce the incidence of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, but more studies focused on humans, and of the benefits of rambutan fruit is mentioned What follows:


Helps blood sugar levels

 Eating sources of fiber such as rambutan slows down the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream and stabilizes its levels, as high levels of it cause a range of side effects, such as increased urination, loss of vision, weight, and nerve damage, and on the other hand, this fruit provides many key compounds that maintain blood sugar levels. On normal blood sugar levels, an animal study published in the journal Nutrients found that extracts from its bark were effective in lowering blood sugar levels in mice, and studies focused on cells and animals indicated that its bark extract increases sensitivity Insulin reduces insulin resistance and blood sugar.


It is rich in antioxidants

 It is a good source of many antioxidants such as vitamin E, carotenoids, xanthophylls, tannins, and phenols, all of which help to fight the formation of free radicals in the body and reducing the occurrence of oxidative stress, thus protecting cells from damage, in addition to its importance in supporting public health, fighting diseases and reducing chronic infection as a disease Coronary heart, cancer, and diabetes, knowing that vitamin C is one of these antioxidants that helps the body absorb iron more easily, knowing that eating 5-6 grains of rambutan fruit will cover 50% of the body's daily needs.


Promotes digestive health

 A cup provides about 1.3 grams of fiber, as it is not digested in the digestive system, and thus increases stool volume and reduces constipation, and this will improve digestive health, according to a review published by the Department of Internal Medicine and Nutritional Sciences Program At the University of Kentucky, increasing the intake of fiber sources helps treat many digestive diseases such as hemorrhoids, diverticulitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and peptic ulcers.


Strengthens bones

 Manganese, as one of the most important minerals provided by this fruit, contributes to strengthening bones, as it is concentrated in about 43%, excluding other parts of the body, and this is of great importance in the formation of healthy bones, and reducing the risk of serious diseases such as osteoporosis. According to an animal-focused model in the Department of Food and Nutrition at Sookmyung Women's University in Seoul, South Korea, taking manganese supplements over 12 weeks significantly increased bone mineral density in mice.


Possess antimicrobial properties

Its antimicrobial properties help fight infections and improve overall health, along with its antioxidant content, another in vitro study published in the journal Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine showed that its seeds possess antibacterial properties that help reduce the chances of Infection and disease In the same context, an in vitro study in 2014 focused on evaluating the antimicrobial effects of rambutan peel extracts, to find that it was really effective in reducing the growth of several bacterial strains, such as Streptococcus pyogenes and S. aureus.


Helps to lose weight

Rambutan fruit is low in its calorie content, in exchange for a good amount of dietary fiber, which helps to feel full for a longer period, away from overeating during subsequent meals, and this enhances the chance of losing weight, and on the other hand, soluble fiber works Soluble in water, as a semi-gel substance -in the intestines-, which helps to slow down the digestion and absorption of nutrients, and this supports poor appetite and increases the feeling of fullness, and water contributes to maintaining body moisture, as well as reducing overeating.




